Tag Archives: Lord’s Prayer

Prayer Light: 4.20 liturgy

Webster’s Unabridged (2002) says that liturgy is: “a rite or series of rites, observances, or procedures prescribed for public worship in the Christian church in accordance with authorized or standard form.” Yet even churches that shun formality settle into a comfortable rhythm of worship that could be called that particular church’s liturgy.

Think about your own church or community of faith. What elements are often repeated in its style of prayer? Show us your liturgy.

4.20 liturgy

Prayer Light: liturgy

4.20 liturgy, June Steckler

Prayer Light: liturgy

4.20 liturgy, June Steckler

Prayer Light: liturgy

4.20 liturgy, Dawn Duncan Harrell

Prayer Light: liturgy

4.20 liturgy, Dawn Duncan Harrell ~~ On those evenings we eat together at home, our family liturgy involves the 4-year-old eating ice cream while the ahem-year-olds read the daily office and then we pray. Believe it or not, the 4-year-old is the strictest liturgist among us.

Prayer Light: liturgy

4.20 liturgy, Corina L Hanlon

Prayer Light: liturgy

4.20 liturgy, Andrew Brimer